20 September 2011

Kia Ora a Tāne (Hello, Boys)

Yes, I know, this may look like soft core on my blog, but I promise, it's not. There's a new phenomenon in New Zealand, Nude Rugby. This may seem like a spoof, or a joke, but people all over the South Island of New Zealand are participating. The Nude Blacks, our local Dunedin team, played first in Early August. One of the players actually offered me a formal position on the team; paid with some press time (Unfortunately, I declined and Yes, they do have TONS of press time and even received interviews that were televised on German TV). Although I had to decline this great offer, I still showed up at kick-off with some friends. Along with Otago Students, some families and their children stopped by and a couple of the construction workers took a quick break to see what all the ruckus was about! At this game, the Nude Blacks were playing the Fiji team in a 'manly?' quest to take the win. During the game, a couple of clothed streakers got hauled off the field, tons of tackling and dirty talk was going on. Eventually,, the Nude Blacks won! All the nudity seemed to make everyone want to get naked, so at that point, all of my friends and I decided to enjoy some Rob Roy's ice cream.
You can take a look at the Nude Blacks and their record on their Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/groups/118708011495793/

x love yourself x

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